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Embracing Changed Expectations
There are other sources of grief--not caused by death--that can turn your world upside down.
What’s Your Legacy?
I wonder what my family will say about me when I'm gone?
For Diana
Grieving is a long term task. It is difficult, but can be rich in many ways.
Dear Betty, I Forgot
Is there someone who could use some encouragement or thanks right now? The time is now.
A Resting Place
All of us need a "resting place."
Happy Birthday, Dad!
He was a steady, calm man who helped me believe things would be OK.
A Red Letter Day
I learned to be thankful for the gift of the love I'd experienced.
Sweet Remembrances
I believe God enjoys our worship and praise in small and large congregations.
Once in a Hundred Years
I believe God was pleased as He witnessed the people help each other without question.
Get Ready for the Ride
That’s comforting to me that in the end those who “call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
The Best is Yet to Be
Our life is rich and I try to enjoy each day we have together. We have been blessed with our relationship and we don't take our time together for granted.
Harvest Heat Amidst the Rain Cloud
It had been a beautiful week up North. We were [...]
Seek and then Believe
It's good to review what God did in the past.
How about you? Are you facing something new? Do you feel inadequate in this something new?
"I'm sorry, but we have to order another part. A [...]
Marriage is a Beautiful Thing, Part 2
You may not be a bride any longer, but it's never too late to incorporate these tips in your marriage.
Marriage is a Beautiful Thing
Marriage is a picture of life itself.
Death to Eternal Life
God can use the difficult times in our lives to bring us to Himself. From death to eternal life.