Two Men, One Song
I don't know where you are today. Perhaps in deep sorrow. Estranged from the ones you love. Bankrupt. Ill. I hope you take the time to if not sing the words, read them. It's worth the effort.
I don't know where you are today. Perhaps in deep sorrow. Estranged from the ones you love. Bankrupt. Ill. I hope you take the time to if not sing the words, read them. It's worth the effort.
Don’t be afraid. You are worth much more than many sparrows.
Because of those losses, I'm the stronger because I've had to depend on God to help me through those losses. And even better, brought me out to the other side of grief.
This will be our newest song, freshly broken loaves for his table.
As this Friday that brings Thanksgiving week upon us, enjoy the simple rest and beauty in the day.
You might not have experienced loss as a widow, but I'll bet you've experienced other kinds of loss. It could be death. Health. A scary can probably relate to at least one item on the list. And when you're experiencing it, it feels big. Really big. And when you're in one of those places, you might not believe it, but I can tell you, God is there. He really is. All of the time.
Our life is like the morning fog.......
Even though it is the season of dying leaves, a time preparing for hibernation, we have hope for new life. I can say with honesty, God is good.
I see the sun beginning to pink the sky. I'm going to enjoy it--and thank God for life itself.
I sure do miss my mama. I'd love to call her up and chat about my day.