We can’t stop change
The approach of autumn puts me in a melancholy mood. Things are changing. The weather, the scenery, our schedules. I’m sad because the sun is setting earlier each evening. I have to admit—I don’t like change. I can’t stop change though.
Life is a puff of wind
This year brings change, just as every year does. My first grandson is going away to college, my second oldest granddaughter is transferring to a bigger university, my two youngest Vancouver granddaughters won’t be coming every week for homeschool. No more goodnights the night before. No more morning talks at the breakfast table. Both of them are now in middle school.
Life is a vapor
Where does the time go? Just as it says in Scripture, life is a puff of wind. Some translations say “vapor”.
How short you have made my life!
In your sight my lifetime seems nothing.
Indeed every living being is no more than a puff of wind,
no more than a shadow. (Psalm 39:4)
Life is shorter than you think
The older I grow, I realize how short life really is. Just yesterday, we visited a family on Jim’s side and saw their beautiful newborn baby girl. She was pinkly glowing. Her mama was too.

Mama and baby
Yesterday she was five days old. Today, six days. This little one will be in elementary school before her mama knows it.
Then she’ll be waving goodbye as she enters the college dormitory. Sooner than you think, she’ll be at the altar, getting married, having babies, and then her babies will grow up.

My cute seven year old.
Life is a puff of wind.
What do we do with that? Take hope. We all have, give or take, the same amount of time on this earth. Be mindful of what you do with your time. Keep short accounts with those you live. Be the first one to ask for forgiveness. Give someone a smile—especially if they’re frowning—they probably need some cheering up. Most of all, give thanks to your Maker for the years He’s given you.
I like what I read in a book just a couple of days ago. One of the characters remembered a phrase her mother often quoted:
A mother knows she’s done a great job
when she has an empty nest and a full heart.
My nest is certainly empty. My son’s nest is empty, and my daughter’s is beginning to empty, too. Yet, my heart is full. Of memories and kisses. Of joys and sorrows, too.
He is there
One thing I’ve learned as I watch the years go by so quickly, there’s never a place where God is not and I’m so glad. He is there. For me. For you.
Thoughtful as always, Shirley! Yes, how quickly times flies in the rearview mirror, a puff is a good way to describe it. Thanks for sharing and reminding us all to treasure the relationships we have today!