Be Still and Know…
.... write down promises with your name or a loved one's name.....
.... write down promises with your name or a loved one's name.....
I am in a good place right now. But there are no guarantees. I don't know my future, but I know the One who does.
Sometimes, the passing of time scares me. I realize my time on earth is closing in on the last act. Today I read from the Old Testament: I repeat, be strong and brave! Don't be afraid and don't panic, for I, the LORD your God, am with you in all you do. Joshua 1:9 I [...]
I'm so glad I can put my trust in the God who not only made everything, He is everything. And He cares about me!
My hope for you is you sense the tender mercies of our Father.....
What's your role? What's difficult or good about it? And if you have/had a "world's best mom," give her a call and thank her. I wish I could call my mom, but I'll see her later in heaven.
Yesterday, September 13, was a day to remember and celebrate. It was five years ago on September 13, 2013 that Jim asked me to marry him. I was surprised, yet not so surprised that he popped the question.
I love the long days, longer twilight, and warm evenings of summer. But without anything I can do, the days shorten. I hear the crickets sing at night as I take one last stroll around our yard. The days are marching toward a new season--and I can't stop the march.
Blending families can be challenging... Where are we going this time, you might ask. This time it’s a family cruise with fifteen of our blended family of 25. We know once everyone is checked in and on board, it will be fine. We're heading north to Alaska!
Mostly, though I am grateful. I’m grateful for the nearly five years God has gifted Jim and I with. I’m grateful every morning that I wake up with Jim by my side. I’m happy when he’s sitting beside me at church, singing with me during worship, glancing at me in understanding at a sermon point. He’s there on lazy Sunday afternoons when we change out of our church clothes into something cozy and comfortable and we veg out on a movie. As we watch our favorite pre-recorded Sunday shows. When we say good-night and drop off to sleep.