Hope and Joy

A Mama’s Prayer For Mother’s Day

By |2018-09-27T10:48:44-07:00May 11th, 2018|Hope and Joy|

  From the past. My children were once babies--who wore this gown. It's a simple gown.  The flannel has fuzzy little balls on the fabric, indicating its been washed and dried many times. It belonged to my babies. I was once a young mommy, too. I'll never forget the day I was released [...]

A Trustworthy Anchor

By |2023-02-17T14:53:06-08:00May 4th, 2018|Hope and Joy|

The sign of hope Our hearts felt strangely warm.... I read today the story--that's true--about a couple of disciples walking the road to the village Emmaus. Jesus was walking with them and they didn't recognize him because they knew he'd been crucified and they thought he was still dead in the tomb. As [...]

Until You Feel Alive

By |2018-09-28T08:57:00-07:00April 20th, 2018|Grief and Loss, Hope and Joy|

He is our hope. You go on and live until you feel alive again. Call the MidWife, a television series about midwives helping women in east London, an area of poverty near the Thames River. We've been watching the series for several years.  Nonnatis House is where several Church of England nuns and other [...]

Two Weeks Later

By |2018-09-28T09:01:57-07:00April 13th, 2018|Hope and Joy, Spiritual Reflections|

Are you ever wordless? Have you ever been so excited, you couldn't say a word? I have. What about the women--who were the  first to go to the tomb of Jesus--and discovered the stone was rolled away and the tomb empty? Sometimes we forget what we're celebrating. Don't we often take Easter for granted? We [...]

Remarriage–Is It Beneficial?

By |2018-10-05T12:24:45-07:00March 9th, 2018|Hope and Joy|

It's still in the birthing stage... I’m working on a new book with the help of my husband, Jim. We’re combining our stories of previous marriages--the highs and lows—and our story. Today I'm going to give you, dear readers, a sneak peek at a portion of the story. It’s still in the birthing stage….. Sneak peek [...]

Tribute to a Sister

By |2018-09-28T16:29:30-07:00March 2nd, 2018|Hope and Joy|

We looked alike... I can't remember life without her being in it--she's younger than me by 22 months. We looked alike--at least to those who weren't family--and our names got mixed up, too. She was sometimes called by my name, sometimes they called me by hers.   We were four and two years old; [...]

What Was Lost

By |2018-10-08T12:28:07-07:00January 19th, 2018|Hope and Joy|

Last Valentine's Day, my husband Jim gave me a beautiful necklace and earrings. He always does his research and carefully chooses a gift for me. I feel special nearly every day by the kind and thoughtful things he does. Last Valentine's was no exception. He knows I like red and will spend lots more on [...]

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