The Best
It was a stinging experience, but I remembered that earlier prayer and the answer God gave me.
It was a stinging experience, but I remembered that earlier prayer and the answer God gave me.
It's hard to wait. But that's what we are to do.
Do you make plans for the new year? Goals, resolutions?
He doesn't yell at us. He doesn't withhold mercy. He simply asks us to recognize our wrongs and confess them. And then he forgives.
I always looked forward to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School was a bonus. It didn’t matter that our classrooms were tiny basement rooms with little or no decoration. I loved Bible stories and singing songs about how much Jesus loved me.
This morning, I read about trusting God in frightening and precarious situations and how many of the characters, who were real people, depended on the strength that God gave them.
God is good and whatever time we have left together, we will give thanks. We ask the LORD to “watch the city” our marriage. We give our time on this earth to Him. And we are grateful.
I've always been struck by this passage that accentuates the importance of our prayers. The Creator of the Universe hears our prayers.
Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives (Psalm 90:14 NLT). As we do nearly every week, my siblings and our spouses meet for conversation via zoom. For the past year, the oldest sibling, Joyce, has been reading aloud a chapter [...]
My mother wrote of a time in northeastern Montana where she and my uncle were caught in a terrible blizzard, walking home from school.