I Will be With You
I heard the words when I was deep in grief to "lean into the grief", to let the sorrow envelope you like the waves of the ocean. Work with it, and you will move through it. You will be stronger for it.
I heard the words when I was deep in grief to "lean into the grief", to let the sorrow envelope you like the waves of the ocean. Work with it, and you will move through it. You will be stronger for it.
We are celebrating our tenth anniversary and today, are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I will send a very special blog on Monday, December 18. I look forward to your comments. Until then, please know I am grateful to each of you who read my blog. You bless me with your comments. Warmly, [...]
“God is a master of timing” ~ Chris Tiegreen We’re on a cruise to celebrate our tenth anniversary. Mister and Misses Our first year was full of travel: Whistler, Canada. Victoria.Disney World with family. Aunt and uncle, and cousins in Nebraska. Washington DC, taking a train north to Niagara Falls, on to Toronto, [...]
As we think about the coming of the promised Messiah this Christmas season, I’m going to focus on delighting in the Lord.
May you and yours enjoy this coming Thanksgiving day with good food, great conversation, and most of all, remembering Who provides us all things, our heavenly Father.
She slammed the door. I screamed in agony as I looked at four distinct dents in my fingers. Pain exploded like fireworks on the fourth of July. I
I always looked forward to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School was a bonus. It didn’t matter that our classrooms were tiny basement rooms with little or no decoration. I loved Bible stories and singing songs about how much Jesus loved me.
What children are in your sphere of influence? Your own children? Grandchildren?
I haven't forgotten that swift angry feeling that exploded inside.
It was as though someone else had entered into my body and me.