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Travels And Other Thoughts

By |May 26th, 2017|Categories: National Monuments, Shirley's Travels, Washington DC|

We didn't discuss our party affiliation and who we voted for. Instead, we talked about where we were from, our families and what we'd seen so far. It was so nice to visit with others and enjoy our nation's capital. I'm so proud to live here. All of our drivers were from other countries and were very happy to live here. Certainly we have our problems, our differences, but we enjoy so much. Most of all freedom.

Birthday Thoughts on Getting Older

By |May 5th, 2017|Categories: Hope and Joy, Spiritual Reflections|Tags: |

So, instead of bemoaning the fact that I’m another year older, I’ll enjoy it that I still produce fruit and enjoy the gray hair of experience--the splendor of the old. What else can I do? The alternative is to not grow older, and I’m not ready for that. So, I’ll enjoy tomorrow. Open presents, cards, and share a special meal with family.

Finding Closure

By |May 2nd, 2017|Categories: Grief and Loss|Tags: , |

Things were so different then than now. Mothers now get to see their stillborn baby and say goodbye to them. I didn't have that opportunity because the hospitals just didn't do that then. They were trying to  be helpful, but instead, it extended the grieving.

Run to Him (And Taste and See)

By |April 28th, 2017|Categories: Grief and Loss, Spiritual Reflections|Tags: , |

I discovered the terrible loss of a lifetime mate who was the father of my children, was far more difficult than any mountain we’d ever climbed. I remembered those words on the wall by the door in my childhood door: Blessed are you who run to Him.  I remembered, and believed. I worked through those lonely harsh days of loss—because grief is work—and began to breathe freely again, just like after a mountain climb and you get to the top.

Profound Loss–To Sweet Memories

By |April 11th, 2017|Categories: Grief and Loss|

How do you get from profound loss to sweet memories, you might ask. I would say from my experience, you work through the grief. It is work to grieve. Don’t try to fool yourself that time alone takes care of the grief, for it doesn’t completely.

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